Tapas Recipes
Tapas Recipes

Seafood sticks & potato salad Recipe


  1. In a pot, place the potatoes and eggs and cover with cold water. Add some salt and bring to boil. Keep on cooking until potatoes are soft. Check with a knife.

  2. Leave the potatoes and eggs to cool down at room temperature.

  3. Chop the Seafood sticks.

  4. Grate the potatoes and eggs into a clean bowl.

  5. Add the rest of ingredients and mix till well combined. (Reserve some chopped seafood sticks for deco)

  6. Make a light mayo from some extra Hellmann’s by adding water slowly while mixing. Reserve.

  7. To plate it up just scoop some of the potato and seafood mix into a plate, top it with the light mayo and sprinkle with some seafood diced.

Note: If you are adding Cold water prawns, use them from step 3 considering them as well as seafood sticks.

Recipe available on YouTube Youtube

Seafood sticks & potato salad


  • 4 medium size red potatoes
  • 250 gr seafood sticks
  • 3 hard boiled eggs
  • 150 gr Hellmans mayonnaise
  • 10 gr red wine vinegar

Optional: This recipe will go really well adding 125g of chopped cold water prawns. I haven’t added as allergy problems at home with crustaceans.
